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again + finally found it. The gloves are

made to order + you select the skin you

want. The gloves are fine + so [].

By the time we finally reached the

[Hrelanid] House for lunch, it was long

after two. [...] had time for a few

errands afterwards, + had to hustle +

just caught the boat, + who should be on

buard but Father. He came to N.Y. on

the 9:40. He saw [Gems] + spent about an

hour with [him] + said he was getting

along finely. Took a cab up the hill as it

was raining. In the evening we had

hoped to go to Father + the [Bryo'], but

Father had to go out + make some calls in

the evening, so we went in the [Belhuaps]

+ discussed the reception + wedding
