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came over early in the evening and

also [Deyo], [Asher], + [...]. We talked on

the most awful [u...], [...] people

[ele], until I was fairly [...]. They all

left early, + as we were all tired, we

went up stairs, + had the silver all

put away in the safe, when the bell

rang, + it proved to be Bunny, [Walter],

+ the Scotts. I had my dress half off

so hastily putting it on again, and

fixing up a bit, we called to them to

come up, + then we had to get all the

silver out again for the [S...] to see.

Se drank the health of Bunny + [Walter]

to night in some of Mr. [Lodge's] best


Mon. Oct. 12th

[Walter] was here very early this morning

+ shortly before ten Cornelia arrived.

We three went over to the Hotel to get the