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[smoky] so that the view was "[nil]." The

six "Bostonians" came to dinner + later

Percival phoned that he was coming down

to call. Aunt [Eevelina] + Gene also came in

for a few minutes.

Sat. Oct. 17th

Uncle Bernard, [...], + Mary left on the

9:40 for Boston, + we went over to the hotel

early to say good-by to them and [...]

them to the ferry. Then the rest of us went

up to the H. H. Bush-Browns to see an exhibit

of pictures by Gifford Beal, [Clarence Chatterton],

Rhoda [Wilkison], + the Bush-Browns. Mrs.

Bush-Browns miniatures were lovely, but I

didn't think so very much of the

majority of the pictures. Got home about

twelve and had early brunch, as Chralie

+ I were going to take the first special

to [West Poist] for the Yale game, and

going to see if we could get his more