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the Mitchell House and after washing
up, had a bully good supper, oysters soup,
steak, finger potatoes, biscuits, salad,
preserves, cake & coffee. After supper we
went in the parlor & Asher played & we
all sang. We left Ellenville at five
[minutes?] & had the most glorious ride
home over the mountains. The moon
was wonderful, & I thoroughly enjoyed it
especially as I got rid of Dr. Solfus, he
sitting in front with Asher & Olive & I
in back. Everything ran smoothly
until we just got in sight of the city
lights, when our car refused to go, &
on examination found we were out
of gasoline. Olive & I had visions of
walking in from there & Asher let us
get all stirred up & then informed us,
with a merry twinkle, that he had an
extra gallon. So again we were off,
& found the other machine just
about to turn back to look for us.
We rolled into town at five minutes
of twelve after a run of over a
hundred miles. E. was awoke so I
told her all about our trip, & what a
good time we had, and also
discoursed at some length on my
[?] opinion of the Doctor. This
opinion has been forming itself for
quite a while but reached conclusion
this afternoon.