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Stewart Hall, then came home, dressed
and went up to Aunt Evelina's for dinner.
Had an awfully good time and dinner.
Afterwards we had music, until it was
time for rehearsal. The Ashplank's were
going to take us over in their car, so we
went down for them about 8:30. Mrs.
Longridge went with us, and Asher
took u around the Park just to give
us a little ride. I don't believe I could
have goine to rehearsal to-night if I
hadn't goine in the machine, for my
knee hurt so badly. We got over to the
Hall about nine, and I tried my best
to persuade some of the men over there
to go in our dance. Ralph Weston, Harry
Cleveland, ? hoar, Mr. Van Winkle,
Henry Joon, Joe Jones, but all to no
purpose. they all had excuses. Mr. Hanmer
came over to-night expecting to go in
it, but found to-day he was to be
called to N. Y. next week, so no Kirness
for him. There were only six girls and
three men in our dance to-night, but
we simply have to make a go of it.
The Cornwall men didn't come up
to-night. Miss Stewart, E & I were the
last ones to have the Hall, and we
all came home to-gether.