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Arcadians from cover to cover touching
every note, even high C. Finally Miss
Stewart came and Florence Jova. Mrs. Jova
did her stunt and then Miss Stewart
showed me how our song went, and
acted it out with me. It is awfully cute
and I do hope we can do it decently.
Aunt Nellie left on the 1:35 train, so we
came home early in order to have early
luncheon and go down to the station
with her. We regret very much that we
had to leave her alone so much of the
time. After leaving Aunt Nellie, E & I
hunted up two people to play for
rehearsals to-night and as ther is a
concert on hand to-night, it is almost
impossible to find anyone to play
to-night. Later we took the horse and
went up to Miss Heard's to get the books
and then hustled home, dressed in a
perfect whirl, and stopped for Cousin
Helen to go to Mrs. Graham's card partyi.
I was half asleep all afternoon, adn
didn't know what trumps were half the
time. E seemed to be in a very lively
bunch, but I struck, for the most
part, very sedate ladies, so there wasn't
as much fun. We had refreshments in
the middle of the afternoon, & then
went on playing until six o'clock.