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things to do down town, that I stayed only a few minutes, & then hustled off to do my shopping. I went to the (?). (?) place on 5th Avenue, & really think I shall invest in one of those dummies. I also went to the Whithall house to look at rugs, but I saw so many, & they were so beautiful, that I simply couldn't make a selection myself; for will have to come with Edith later. I did a lot of other shopping, buying material for a lovely yellow brocade satin dress, also two linen dresses, one green & one blue. I had flown around from one place to another, and at quarter of five, met Margaret & Amy Hill at the Manhattan for tea & after tea, sat in the corridor to watch the sights, & there was plenty to see. To-night Margaret's bridge club met, and I substituted for Anne Crane, who was ill. Eddie Updike was also ill, so Mrs. McGuire filled in, in his place. I don't know when I have enjoyed an evening more, and we had loads of fun at our table