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finished dinner but got back in time for a smoke with them. Eric left about three, to go down to Cornwall, and Mr. Burnett left about half past three. Will Walker came in just as he was leaving and later Will Becknap(?) came in. Edith has felt forlorn to-day, so went up to bed directly after supper.

Mon. Feb. 24th

Edith stayed in bed this morning, so I hustled around, doing various stunts(?). Cousin Helen came in after lunch, & while she was here, Frances phoned, said she had just heard of Catherine Smith's engagement to Jon Chisholm. I never was more surprised in my life, for I didn't even know that they saw anything of each other. Cousin Helen knew of it, as Mrs. Smith had written to Mrs. Ring. Edith and I went to church this afternoon at five and changed the altar hangings afterwards. Walter Becknap(?) came in to-night.

Tues. Feb. 25th

Home most of the morning. This afternoon we sewed and read until about 4:30. Took a short walk, and went to church at