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whipped the hem in my new

skirt in meantime Grace came 9

so when I finished the hem I 

got ready and went down town

with Grace. I thot I could not

get ready in time so Grace

could get her check cashed at

the Bank so I sent her down

& she got back again before

I was ready it made a great

deal of walkling for her too. 

we sent all the money we

had to Aunt Julia just

got a letter from her o

she hinted pretty strongly

that the money we owed

her could come in O.K.

I was mad too. After we

got to P.O. and went to get

M.O. we found that part of

the money had been left at

home & then was where I

was mad worse than eve - I

told Grace to stay at the

P.O. while I came back to

Lindleys after the money

which she did. but it