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continued s. & I went over to

34 Ripples & stayed with Charlie

while they went to a Catholic

[dances?]. phoned to Grace this

morn. GShe said the Dr told

them there wasn't any danger

of any of the others taking the

Scarlet fever now: now

11:30 P.M. haven't been

back from Ripples very long (So long) 

: Wed Dec. 16, 

Joe helped me take vacum cleaner

upstairs & I cleaned his & Iza's room

Miss Barber came over before brkfst & 

ate here then made candy most all

day & a cake ^ late this eve. went home a

little while before supper. Besse phoned

& I phone to Grace: got Eva & Clarke

presents ready to send: I made some

rocks & [I?] little mine pies this P.M.

Besse went to Practice her Cantata

this eve. I walked with her as far as

Mrs. Richards place & then came back

it was raining like everything: 

Thurs Dec 17, 

finished cleaning up stairs

baked bread etc. Besse came