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far from me. Sanctify the present

affliction to the good of us all. 

Keep me from all evil this day

in strength, word or deed. I did not 

attend church on Yesterday having been 

prevented by the indisposition which 

I have heretofore mentioned. heard 

that the sermon was very good

and explanatory of the connection

of our present dark and wicked 

state, where we should know

the truth that being the text

I was really an  [?] [?]

God grant we may all be brought

to the light of the truth. 

Thursday morning Augst 2, 1849

With what thankful hearts we should

all approach the throne of our Creator

this day, here I am blessed with health

and strength and with the light

of the Gospel continually on my

path how have I implored the

numerous privileges I attended