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afford. If it would not be too irksome a task

i should feel highly honored to receive an

answer written by my Grand father's hand.

I should keep it as a treasure . Be sure and

and think over my request deliberately and

if you cannot possibly come, Be sure

and let Cousin Sarah come over. 

You must excuse all mistakes.

Believe me to be 

Your most affectionate 

Grand daughter.


Williamsburg January 5th 18450

Private journal continued

I do and cannot express my gratitude to the good

being for his mercies the year past. Lord help

me to feel grateful and humble before Thee who

art so good so great a being. I a worm of the 

dust, should presume to come before Thee I feel my

sins. I know I am wicked and a vile sinner. 

O! God save my sinful soul whcih is now pushing 

for  food. Lord give it that nourishment which

none but Thee can give through the intercess

ion, of thy precious Son, Jesus Christ Lord