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Jan. 19 - 19 Sunday


Breakfast in bed raining. repack

trunk. got chocolate. shared it. every

one loved it. Young Gregg helped

me move. canteen all day. several

boys came back to talk. Saw Prior

Peasants. all out in Sunday attire

Y. MCA Hostess House in old convent

part used for American Hospital.

supper part for orphans. courtyard

& chapel. very old & quaint. Mary W.

Jan 20

Raining. reported for duty. received sad

news of Ralph's death. stunned. worked.

went to dance at Casual Camp. made

punch. met many fine boys. waiting to go

home. Pauline brought me some beautiful

red roses & the lovely yellow flower. Every

one is very kind to me Letters from May

Mry & Maude G.