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Friday, Jan. 25, 1918

Every thing seems to be topsy-turvy

these days. We can't get any one

to help with the house work. 

wash or anything else. Mother and 

I have worked hard all day -- 

cleaning, washing, carrying in 

wood, etc. It was so lovely out-of-

doors that I took time to take

Mary out for a ride. She went to sleep. So I let her sleep in

her buggy in the front yard. 

Card from Mrs. Johnson. 

Knitted for 2 1/2 hours on a Red

Cross sweater tonight. 

Saturday, Jan. 26, 1918

I cleaned the downstairs throughly 

this a. m. while mother baked. 

Was too tired to go out after dinner. 

Knitted on the scarf until 11 P. M.

and finished it.