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Monday, Feb. 4, 1918

We didn't go to sleep until 2 a. m. -- poor 

little Mary coughed so hard and 

wanted me to sing "bye oh bye" -- so

I rocked & amused her. Was down town 

this a. m. to pay my bills. This 

afternoon Mother gave Marnie, Katie

& I each $5 to buy  silk for a skirt.

We all went shopping together & had

lots of fun buying our things. Had

another tooth filled. 

Tuesday, Feb. 5, 1918

I phoned for half an hour this a. m. 

trying to find some one to help us

clean but could find no one. So 

mother & I set to work and cleaned

the whole house. Many windows

etc. I beat 20 small rugs. It 

was a glorious day. About 4

o'clock I took Mary out for a 

little ride. Stopped to see how 

Tanta was. Knitted quite a bit

this [eve.?]  John  & Marnie were up.

Mother,they and I played rummy.

Henry has gone away for two days. 

It was so warm we had to turn all

the fire off in the furnace. Was

out without a coat.