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Hardly slept at all last night. Mary

coughed so much. It must have

been 3 a. m. before I closed my eyes. 

I discovered she had two new teeth

this morning. Her fourth double and 

a front one. We washed & ironed

some this morning. Marnie

brought her knitting up after dinner. 

I knitted about 12 inches on my

Red Cross sweater. It is nearly done. 

We went over to see Tanta again. 

John & Marnie were her for supper.

Mary keeps me pretty busy evenings

getting her to bed. The cough 

makes her sick at her stomach a

good deal. 

Thursday, Feb. 7, 1918

Katie invited Dean Butler, Prof. [Shelton?],

Dr. & Mrs. Broadman, Harry & I 

for dinner. About 3 Mary, Mother & I

went to the station to see Mrs.

Butler, as she was going thro. Had

a nice little visit with her. Miss 

Greissinger too. 

I was all evening getting Mary

to bed. She felt so badly.