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Saturday, Feb. 16, 1918

I was down town this a. m. and brought

four pairs of shoes. Reid's had a shoe

sale & I got some lovely ones for

$2.45 which is remarkable. for this

day. It was too cold to take Mary

out. It is lots of fun to show & teach

Mary about the pictures in magazines

& papers. When she sees adds of fruit 

or eatables. She plays like she is

[giving?] up a bite, small flowers

and all such cute  things. She

knows so many pictures of things.

Harry went to Sedalia today. 

Sunday, Feb. 17, 1918

I feel "all in" after not having had

a night's sleep for so long. John

& Marnie took Mother, Harry, Mary

& I to Enid in their car this afternoon. 

Enjoyed the ride but it was 

very cold. They stayed with us 

for supper. John & Marnie both

enjoy Mary now that she talks 

and calls them both by name.