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Saturday, March 30, 1918

We baked & I did Mary's washing

this a. m. We planned & will have

the family to supper tomorrow. 

Harry came home in the middle 

of the afternoon for his grip. Had

to go to a wreck. Won't be here all

day tomorrow. That is the way

our Sundays go. Had Mary out.

She surely enjoys things and 

is so dear & sweet. Lewis & Geo. were

here for supper. Knitted all evening. 

Sunday, March 31, 1918

As to weather. It has been a delight-

ful Easter day. Crowds of people

were out. Mother, Mary & I dined

at the . Mary sat up

and ate her dinner like a little

lady. The dining room was filled

with people we knew. We walked

around to see Tanta & Tessie afterward.

The family all came for

supper with us. Harry got home

about 8:30. The clocks were all

moved forward an hour today for 

daylight saving.