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Monday, April 15, 1918

Kept hospital again today. Made 

ice cream enough for Geo. and family

for dinner & supper. Have had

multitudes of phone cals. The 

liberty loan parade was this

afternoon. School children, business

men, clerks in the stores formed

the parade. It was a beautiful

sight to see hundreds of flags

floating in the streets. Each

carried one. It was enough to 

make everyone patriotic. The

old soldiers with fife & drum were

more inspiring to me than ever before. 

Tuesday, April 16, 1918

Mary has such an awful cough. 

Had Dr. Smith for her again today. 

It was bright & sunshining today.

So he said to take Mary out. Had 

she & Geo. Jr. walking  nearly all

afternoon. Brought Geo. a [khaki?]

soldier's suit & hat. Finished

up my liberty loan sale. I

sold $7000 worth. Of course

was over to see Bro. Geo. and 

down to Marnie's a few minutes. 

Harry has been out of town today.