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Friday, April 19, 1918

Rained all day and was altogether

gloomy. Mother wasn't able to 

get up all day and Mary has a 

cough bad enough to drive anyone

wild. Mothing seems to do it any

good. We had the big closet and

pantry painted today. I was busy 

moving things from one place to

another. General confusion prevails. 

Marnie was here all afternoon. 

Rob came to wash the back parlor

wood work at five P. M. Am hoping

tomorrow will be full of sunshine. 

Saturday, April 20, 1918

Another awful gloomy day. 

rainy -- turned cold -- seemed a little 

this   adn we are afraid of a 

freeze. Mary has felt very miserable.

The nurse was leaving George's 

so I told her to come over and 

take care of Mary a few days. 

She came about 5. Mary cried 

herself hoarse over having a stranger

about. So I didn't keep her. Mother

got some goose grease from 

Grandma Cavanaugh. Have Mary

greased & wrapped in flannel 

tonight. Am hoping it will 

help her because I am very much

worried about her.