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Saturday, May 11, 1918

Another rainy day. Did quite

a washing this morning. Wrote 

Thelma. Played with Mary a 

great deal. She is worth everything 

to me. Miss Perry was here to

talk about committee's for out

varous Canteen meetings & doings.

Harry & I walked down town

awhile this eve. Card from Alberta. 

Sunday, May 12, 1918

Quite cold all day. Have had

fire in the furnace. Mother

didn't feel like going to church

and wanted me  to -- sso I went to

the Presbyterian with Freda.

Attended a lengthy Canteen

meeting in the library this 

afternoon. Mary & I had a 

ride later with the Humphrey's.

Harry, Mary & I called on tthe 

Gooden's this eve.