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Wednesday, May 15, 1918

At 10 o'clock this morning I went

to the library to hear Major Sim-

mon's of the R. C. talk. He was

in the front trenches five weeks ago.

His talk was so inspiring that

I went again at 1:30 to the Best to

hear again. He is wonderful. Am

sure there will be no difficulty in

raising Red Cross money. John took

mother Mary & I riding tonight.

Letter from Alberta. 

Thursday, May 16, 1918

Mary & I were at the Rexall 1 cent

sale this a. m. Brot home 10 pds 

of coffee. Went to the Canteen war

bridge awhile this afternoon. Meet

Martha & Mary down town. Mother

brought Mary her first  real hat.

A dear little white straw, lined

wtih rose colored gorgette crepe.

Brought her a bracelet and she

was as proud as a peacock of her

new [?]. Mary & Harry & 

I were walking this eve.