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Wednesday, June 26, 1918

Marnie & I were at the Canteen

at 7 a. m. Served breakfast to a 

great many soldiers. There were

all kids and from every where.

It is very interesting work. 

Got home about 9:30 and did

up my house work. Am 

to go out & sell war savings stamps

on Friday. It seems to me they

ask the same people over & over

to do all the work. 

Freda 7 I went to see the '

"Spirit of 17". It was very good. 

Thursday, June 27, 1918

Finished knitting my fourth 

sweater today. It has been 

terrifically hot again. George

took us all riding this  eve.

We stopped at Humphrey's. They

served us watermelon. The 1st

of the season. We sat out

in the back yard and ate it.