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Thursday, July 18, 1918

It was cool today. So Rob came

and we thoroughly cleaned the

house, waxed the floor, etc. Read

and knitted this afternoon. 

Harry was busy putting up

tomato racks this eve. They

are 14 ft. high. Mary, Mother

& I walked down to John's. 

Card from Ida & Alberta. 

Friday, July 19, 1918

This has been a wonderful day. The

good news first of the success at

the Front by the Allies. At the

Canteen we had five troop trains, 

3,000 men. Every one of them

was fed, [given?] coffee & iced tea, cake,

sandwiches, tobacco, chewing gum,

post cards, magazines and good

cheer. We had a piano on the

platform and furnished music 

while they were here. They enter-

tained us too. Some of the boys

had magnificant voices. It is

all as worthwhile. Mary handed

out tobacco. She said, " 'oldier 'ome". 

We entertained Mr. Ringer & W. M. 

Brown at dinner this eve.