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Wednesday, July 24, 1918

Mrs. G. W. Maser of 1509 Broadway

entertained with a picnie supper last

evening complimentary to Master

George Maser's sixth birthday. After

the lovely picnic lunch was served on 

the lawn the guests were told to hunt

for flags that were hidden about the

lawn. John Maser and John MacLean

were awarded the prizes which were

two pretty flags. Mrs. Masers guests

were Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey, Lula

and John Humphrey, Mr. and Mrs.

John Maser, Dooctor and Mrs. Mac-

Lean and family. Mrs. and Mrs. Harry

Johntz and daughter Mary Maser, Mrs.

C. R. Hart and Mr. and Mrs. G. L.

Maser, George and Lewis Maser and 

Mrs. G. W. Maser. 

[in margin] Was






Thursday, July 25, 1918

Workers in the first division of

the Red Cross canteen are to be the

guests of Mrs. G. W. Maser Mrs. Harry Johntz and Mrs. 

John Maser at a "canteen grub" at

the home of the former on East

Broadway this evening at six-thirty

o;clock. The supper will be served

in picnic fashion and the workers

will wear their uniforms. Among

the guests will be Mesdames R. T.

Orchard, J. M. Kersey, A. E. Haner, 

Charles Lewis, Clifford Stevenson, 

A. M. Chellis, E. L. Green, W. C.

Knight, T. M. Flynn, Misses Kather-

ine Lonberger, Cora Smith, Vesta

Smith, Opaline Saylor, Blanche Tom-

linson, Mary and Leeta Scott, Lois

and Carrie Elswick and Myrtle 

Graves of Kansas City.