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Thursday, August 1, 1918

Our Canteen picnic came off today. 

Three carloads went to the river. Mr.

W. W. Brown took Ida, Louise, Marnie,

my Mary & I. We stayed all day

and brought us home. We had

lots of good things to eat. Fixed chicken, 

cakes, home made rolls, salads, 

eggs, etc. All of us donned our 

bathing suits & went in for a

swim this afternoon. The water

was great. Got home about 10 P. M.

Mother & I were also invited

to Mrs. Waters' for supper. 

Friday, Aug. 2, 1918

Went to the Canteen to serve breakfast.

We had 150 men. Worked until 10 A. M.

Came home & helped do the housework.

The Macleans entertained the several

families of us with a picnic suppeer

in their yard this eve. Marnie & I

had to hurry off to the Canteen. Had

150 more men. Served them ice cream 

cones. 270 colored recruits came to 

the station at 10:00 p. m. for a box supper. It

was quite a sight to watch them 

eat, seated over the station lawn. 

Didn't get home until 11 P. M. 


had such a jolly good time. The

guests were: Mr. and Mrs. John 

Maser, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Maser and

family, Mrs. Frank Blackmore, Mr. 

and Mrs. Howard Reed, Miss Eliz-

abeth Hart, Miss Theresa Dinsmore,

Mr. L. O. Swalm, nad Mr. and Mrs. 

Harry Johntz.