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Monday, Aug. 5, 1918

Another very hot day. Didn't

leave the house until eve. and 

then only for a few minutes. 

Read all afternoon. Received

an interesting letter from Charlie 

from St.  [?]         , France. 

Tuesday, Aug. 6, 1918

Mrs. Broadman took Katie, Marnie, 

Ethel H. Mabel K., Lottie & I in 

honor of Ida B. to the country to

cook breakfast. It was very warm

but we had an enjoyable time. 

Came home, cleaned the big pices 

of silver ware and washed out a few

things. Went to the bank this

afternoon. Bought Katie half

dozen cut glass handled iced tea

glasses for her birthday. 

Mother, Mary & I walked over

to see Tanta this eve.