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Tuesday, Aug. 27, 1918

Finished knitting my soldier

sweater. Started to read "Nocturne."

When we left home Mother gave

me a big box of marshmellows. 

So I invited all the childdren (about

ten) to come to the beach and 

toast them. They all had a 

good time around the bonfire.

Mary enjoyed it. Wrote Mother

a letter. A card to Edith P. 

Wednesday, Aug. 28, 1918

Letters from Mother & Marnie 

Mother sent a dollar from Aunt

Etta for Mary's  birthday. Had a 

big rain today. Were in the 

cottages with two big fires going.

Finished reading my book. 

Every one makes a lot over 

Mary. There is a jolly crowd

here but I hadn't been able

to spend much time with them. 

Henry & I played pitch tonight.