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Thursday, Aug. 29, 1918

Letter from Mother. Wrote to her.

Cards to Marnie S., Amelia & Aunt

Etta. Started to pack my trunk

for the tomorrow. Washed my hair

and washed up quite a few

Mary's things. This evening. Harry &

Mary & I went over to call on the 

Wagner's. They are certainly nice


Friday, Aug. 30, 1918

Finished out packing this morning. 

Mary was so excited about going to 

Chicago. That she could scarcely

eat. We had the usual [Musky Sun?]

send off. Miss Kelly, Mary Mc & John

McDonald came down too. We played

bridge and had a very pleasant

time of it. Left Sayner about 3 P. M. 

The ride among the beautiful trees,

the lakes & Wisconsin was very

delightful until dark.