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Wednesday, Sept. 4, 1918


Mrs. Harry Johntz and daughter 

Mary Maser, returned this morn-ing from their trip to

Muskey Inn,

Sayner, Wis. and Chicago. 

The rain was

2 hours late. 

We got in at 9:30

Mother met

us. It was very cold on the way

home and at home. However we

are glad to be here. Mother has had

all of her teeth out in our absence. 

Unpacked & put everything away.

This afternoon Katie, children, Geo.,

Henry, Mrs. Joyce, Stevens, Orchard

&Allen were her. Henry is a 

fine looking soldier. Letter from 

Keene. We retired early. 

Harry was out of town. 

Thursday, Sept. 5, 1918

Mother entertained Henry. Tessie

& Tanta at dinner. The women

folks stayed until 5 o'clock. We

knitted. I washed home with 

them when they left. Took

Mary with me. Mother, Mary

& I walked down to George's & Joh's

this eveining. Harry called up 

from Nevada this evening. Said

he would be home tomorrow
