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Sunday, Sept. 8, 1918

A nice day. Mary, Mother & I

sat on the porch all morning. 

Took some cake over to harry

Cavanaugh. We took a walk this

afternoon. Stopped in to see

Tanta, Tessie & Henry.  [L. O.?]

stopped & visited us this eve

awhile. Then mother & I

went to the court yard and

listened to the open air sermon. 

Monday, Sept. 9, 1918

Another fine day. I washed

and ironed some. We cleaned

upstairs after endless operations.

After Mary's nap this afternoon -- 

she Mother & I went down

town. Harry returned tonight. 

Mary is looking fine now. 

She does so many cute things. 

She says the "oldiers are over

there fighting Germans." She

sings "over there" all the time. 

Letter from Miss Perry.