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Thursday, Sept. 26, 1918

Cleaned the house this A. M.

Read while Mary napped this

afternoon. Harry left town this 

eve. Geo. Jr. came over for the

night. He and Mary had a 

good time playing together. 

Friday, Sept. 27, 1918

Was at the Canteen at 7 this

morning. Had some interesting

overseas men from Chateau

Thierry. John took Mother, Mamie, 

Mary & I to the Oswego Fair after

dinner. A lovely day to ride. We

had a good time seeing the

crowd, races, etc. Mary had her

first ride on a merry-go-round.

Reached home at 6:45. Mother took 

us all to supper at the cafeteria. 

Then Marnie & I rushed off to

the Canteen. Had our usual

good time. Kept the Canteen 

open until 10:30 P. M. Harry received

a $47.50 raise today -- is now making
