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Thursday, Oct. 10, 1918

A gloomy day and raining hard

tonight. Harry has been away three

days. Mother & I thoroughly

cleaned the whole house today.

I beat every rug. Took us until

4 P. M. Then I washed my

hair and took a bath. Have

several hundred cases of "flu"

in town. Everything closed. It 

is rumored that the Kaiser 

has abdicated. Letter from 

Carlotta invited me to Coffeyville

to visit next week. 

Friday, Oct. 11, 1918

Went to the Canteen at 7 A. M. We had

50 aviators were a very jolly

crowd. We fed them until they

could eat no more. They wanted 

to take the Canteen on with them. 

The commanding officer asked

me to prescribe for the influenza. 

I did. He purchased at the drug

store what I told him. Tonight

at the Canteen we had 150 un-

expected solders. But we were

equal to the emergency and

served all. Harry came in tonight

after being gone 4 days but is going

to stay at the hotel awhile for

fear of bringing the "flu" home. 

Letter from Keene. Saying she

was coming down.