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Saturday, Nov. 9, 1918

Cleaned up the house this A. M. 

Had Mary Blakemon over for

dinner. Had to stay at the 

post office from 2 unitl 5 to 

inspect, wrap and mail the 

R. C. Xmas boxes to the boys

overseas. It is right interesting

work and it is marvelous how

much can be put into those

small boxes. Read this evening. 

Sunday, Nov. 10, 1918

The report today says the 

Kaiser has abdicated and 

Germany is in a general

uproar. Of course, the war

can't end too soon but we

want to see Germany throughly

whipped. It has been a lovely

day. Harry, Mary & I trook

a nice walk. Read some

after supper between times entertaining

Mary. She has a wonderfully

active brain and learns and

retains almost all she hears.