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Thursday, Nov. 21, 1918

Wrote to Grace Wilkie & Mrs. J. this

morning. Did the darning, made

buttonholes & ironed the linens used

at the party yesterday. Mother

took Katie & family, Mary & I

to the Presbyterian supper. 

Friday, Nov. 22, 1918

At the Canteen at 7 A. M. Home

at 10:30 P. M. Served 170 soldiers.

Stayed at the Post Office from

11:30 until 1:30. We girls always 

have a good time at the Canteen

together. Had Mary S, Helene,

Ruth Busby, Mrs. Gooden, Mrs. Flynn, 

Leeta Scott, Hildegarde  H?],

Mabel, Emma, Louisa, Ida & 
