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Tuesday, Dec. 3, 1918

Washed two blankets this morning 

and several of Mary's dresses. Ironed

them after dinner. Had letterss form

Brownie, Lou and Mrs. Karr. Took

Mary out for a walk about 4 o'clock

when she awoke from her nap. 

She begged me to buy a Xmas

present for "[?]" .Go to Cherry-

vale and buy it" she said. She'

surprises us with all kinds of 

things. Embroidered on Mary's

Xmas dress all evening. Am

making it in red & white to

match her shoes. Regretted to 

parties last night and tonight. 

Wednesday, Dec. 4, 1918

Aunt T & Tessie were over spending

the evening. I've knitted until

I couldn't see. Am on my

eleventh sweater for soldiers.

Had a nice letter from Ella -- a 

birthday letter. Took Mary out

for a walk -- it was lovely out. 

Am invited to two parties tomorrow  

for Mary & Gracia. Ruth Busby

has a line party in the afternoon

and Mrs. Steele entertains tomorrow

night. Regretted to the Stelle

party as I don't like to stay

out late on Thursday night

on account of Canteen next day.