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Thursday, Dec. 5, 1918

Another delightful dayi. Attended

Ruth's line party at the Best this

afternoon with refreshments at

Holme's afterward. Have enjoyed a 

quiet evening at home with Harry

& Mary. We sharpened knives, 

all the pencils in thee house, 

knitted, played blocks and 

read a little. Was invited to another

party tomorrow night at Mrs. 

Burnett's but regretted. The[re?] is

much entertaining since the 

signing of the armistice but a 

little goes a long way with us. 

Friday, Dec. 6, 1918

Got up at 6 A. M. and was at the 

Canteen before the whistle blew [?]

It is a fine down ther now -- so big

and roomy. All the soldiers are

served inside. We had only

about 100 during the day. Among

our donations today was $100

from  Oswego. I worked from 

7 A. M. until 10:30 A. M. From

7 P. M. until 10 P. M. Then Mabel, 

Helene & I went to a party at

Burnette's -- didn't get home

until midnight. The party was

lots of fun. Among the stunts

was a mock wedding.