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Sunday, Dec. 15, 1918

A wonderfully beautiful day.

This afternoon wrote 25 Xmas postals

and Xmas letters. Harry, Mary & I

walked down to the office as Harry

wanted to send a telegram. Geo.

& family were here for supper.

Mary S. & Fred were over later

in the evening. 

Monday, Dec. 16, 1918

Had the washing and iorning done

aat home today which is quite

satisfactory. Baked a sponge 

cake -- made gelatain (gelatin )and got up

a nice dinner. This afternoon I

went out on the Red Cross

membership drive. Wore red

caps and arm bands. Came

home, got Mary ready -- went up

town to mail some Xmas packages

& do some shopping. Worked

18 buttonholes in refugee petticoats

after supper.