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September 27

Newspaper Clipping

Friday at the Canteen

Mrs. Harry Johntz and her divi

sion served about 150 soldiers Fri-

day with light refreshments at the 

canteen. One detachment of 40 men,

en route east, were not permitted to 

leave their car, and the ladies car-

ried coffee, sandwiches and cookies,

gum, tobacco and magazines to the 

train and served them there. The 

boys were loud in their expression

of appreciation. Mrs. Johntz ac-

knowledges, with thans, the follow-

ing donations. Six girls, Misses

Pauline Fisher, Mary Wall, Blanche

Mountain, Madeline Cottey, Valda

Daup and Helene Smaples, contrib

uted $8.16 which they "earned" by

singing popular songs at the Moose

banquet last night: Ellis & Martin,

$10.00; E. L. Green, $1.00; A Frined (Friend),

15¢; Mrs. C. B. Heskett, a lovely

chocolate cake; Mrs. Wheat, a pound

of butter; the C. E. Kelly Grocery

Co. two baskets of grapes; Miss

Freda Marsh, two baskets of grapes;

High school cafeteria, two loaves of 

bread and two quarts apricots; Mrs. 

Isom, a pound of coffee; A Friend, 

a pound of butter.