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people of Baltimore. Went to prayer meeting tonight
at Dr McGuire's.
                                Thursday night Nothing new
today. Nothing but these dreadful creatures, and the
sense of depression and desolation which we must
have while we are in their power. I think I had
better stop writing, as the prospect of our release seems
to be fading away. They are furnishing their Hospitals
with everything to make them permanant, and say
they are to be the Hospitals for Banks' division during
the summer, How can we live through it? And we can.
Friday April 4th. No news today except rumours of
fighting near Mount Jackson. I made a sickly little
effort today at shopping. The first for months. Very little
to buy, and less to buy with. Mr Buxton came again
for letters, We had a budget ready to send from ourselves
and others. We heard tonight that McClellan had gone
with 80,000 men to Fortress Monroe, on to Richmond!
Some [Counselmen] at Mr Mason's have sent a cat and
kittens they found there, home as a trophy. It proves
to be Steeles' old cat, and he is highly amused at
their mistake.    Saturday April 5th. Nothing today but
these odious wagons, passing and repassing all the
time. More troops have come here, some to stay, and
some to go up to Woodstock where their main body is.
Capt. [?] Heiskell of Wheeling  called to see "the Miss Lees"
We decllined seeing him, He sent back word that he had
a message for us from Mr Dessard, but as he did
not leave the message, we conclude he is indignant