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I never growl, for there is no use in it

but if you could hear the army express

thier opinions, Officers as well as men

you would wonder that Washington

was not hoed out by an army nearer

home than Lee's, individualy I myself

manage to keep in tolerable good case

in fact I weigh more that I ever did

in my life 160. pounds and my health

is good, but reckon me one of a hundred

I can get along any where, I always did

and probaly alwas shall, as fare as living

is concerned and my tobaco holds out

I think there never was an Abner Engles

in our Regt at any rate he did not

go out with us. There is no signs

of the paymaster, and they say that

he wont be round now till the first

or middle of Febuary. Whose fault it

is I know not, and care less, it is

a stupendious damed humbug, form

begining to end. And the worst of it is

the end is not yet, and wont be as