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Dear Clara,

         Your letter and

Valentines came saftely and. promptly

to hand; And I am much pleased

to see you imporve so well with your

writing. keep on and you will soon

write a good hand, and a good letter.

Jim says give my thanks to Clara and

tell her I shall send her something

by and by. I shall send you a [Luela?]

[some?] rings as soon as I get a chance to

make them. Have you learned to skate

this winter? I hope you'll have a good

time, vacation, and be a good girle,

Write to me every chance you get and

I will answer you as often as I can

Give my love to all the folks and Kiss

the children for me, now good day, I

must get my diner, and then get some

ceader bought for my bead,

    From your afectionate Father

Much oblidged for the [Valetines?]   Wm F Morgan