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    Camp of 2d Regt Mass Vol.

        near Stafford Court House

             March 12 1863

Dear Eliza

        I have just come off guard

and hasten to answer yours of the eighth

which I received with the book and

paper, as well as a letter from Norris

and one from Mosses. The book I had

read but never mind, I can swapp

it for one I have not, with somebody

which will doe as well Thank you

for the paper and stamps, Moses sent

me four, and Norris four, so you see

I am well supplied for the preasant

As regardes a Box I dont think its worth

while to bother about it as I have pleanty

to eat and "that what is good" as the

Dutchman says. Hooker feeds us well

enough in fact we live beter now

than we have ever before since

I joined the Regt. I wrote you that