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          came to break ranks and hold ourselves

in readiness for the next call, so heer I am

writing in harness, not knowing if we shall

drill or not, but sutch is sogering. its nothing

new for us to have orders countermanded.

I suppose some of them at home, are wonder-

ing why the army dont move, if they should

ask you tell them you dont know, and

you'll be sure to tell the truth. as I should

if they were to ask me. And I dont believe

any body does know, unless [its?] Hooker & God

they may posiblely though I rather doubt it.

But I must wate till the mail comes in before

I finish this as I am in hopes to hear from

you. I received a Lynn Reporter from

you I supose yesterday but no letter.

Drum beat and had to go out on

brigade drill, which lasted two and

one half hours, and then Undress

Parade. then Supper of Dough nuts and

coffee, Went out and see the boys play

base ball untill the Mail come by