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took the flag and was instantly shot dead another corperal caught the staff

and the order to fix bayonetts and forward was received with three rousing

cheers, and forward with a rush when the third Brigade. We found directly

in front of us the first South Carolina, And there we was the 1h S.C.

pited against the 2d Mass, [therire?] wish was gratified and God knows

they stood there ground well, but at last thier coller bearer was shot

down, there men droping like grain, and they turned broke and fleed

altho surported by a fresh Brigade. but our amunition was out

altho our officers had been buisy striping the rebs and our own dead

of chartriges, and we were relieved by sombody but who no one knows

at any rate we left them a concourd foe and in less then fifteen

minuets they were skedadling after us, leaving the whole line of our

entrenchments to the rebs, But the work was not yet done, and till

2 PM, you could here nothing but one continuel roll of Musketry

and artilery, then as if by mutel consent all was quiet as the grave

and we went to work fighting fire which had been burning in the

woods all day. At 5 P.M. the work comenced again on our right

and continued till dark, when we were ordered to the left wing

near the [U.?] S. Ford, where we remained till Tuesday night when

our battery left and we remained till  The next morning Wednesday

raining all the time, when at daylight we started for the ford and

at 7 AM crossed the ford and at 8 oclock PM arived at our old Camp

marching 22 miles through a continuel rain after being on our feet

all the night before and for four nights with but little if any sleep

after an absence of tenn day, And If the rebs got a Victory one thing