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go home, but now my leg is

getting better, and [recoking?] the

money it will cost and takeing

every thing into consideration

I dont think I shall trouble myself

any how, nine months will soon

pass away, and a furlough of 20 days

is just nothing. So I think you had

better not expect to see me yet awhile

altho you may. It is awful wharm

or rather hot here, and has been for

the last theree or four days, the [Themonter?]

standing at from 75 to 90 in the shade

I asked the Dr for a pass to go out

to stay but he would not agree to

it, as he says holding my leg down

would hurt it this hot weather, but

If I keep still three or four days

longer, I can go without any danger.

so I concluded to lay back and

growl at the nurses, another week.

I got your Bay States, and some

journals, twice from Tave I suppose