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in that case, they'll be glad to get

rid of him, But as for your coming

out now it would be nonsence, as

I neede no care, and you would have

to board out of the Hospital, and

could only see me in the ward as

I cant go out, yet, But after I get

so I can walk or limp round I shall

go on duty, Guard duty or something

like that coppying or something where

there's now walking to be done, and

shall have, pleanty of time, As for Guard

duty its the eaziest and a fellow has the

most spare time I should only have

to poste my guard and be within call

3 hours out of 12; and as Sergents & Coperals

have general passes I should have pleanty

of time to be with you, And besides I have

sent for my discriptive list and shall

get paid off the 10th of Sept, and

you could come eazer then than any

other time, at any rate you will see

me before I go to the Regt.