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    asked us if we would like some

    bereys, I toled her yes, if they could

    send us a decnt quantyty we would

    like them. She asked me what I

considered a decent quanity, Well says

I two gills would be as much as We could expect

to a man, Why! dont uyou get more than

that? never have seen that many yet.

Well realy thats funny. I dont see into it.

Want of system Miss want of system

nothing more, And without more talk

I will say that she acknowledge the

[corn?] and explained, by saying that

some times they were short and

wanted to treat all alike,

So you see that she had the

best of me after all, as regardes

intentions, but on [Systime?] I knock

-ed her, as system recognises no sup-

positions whatever. But I shall

write again this week, and

perhaps have somthing to write about

so good by and write soon Yours Truly
