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          Camp of the 2d Mass Vol Regt

          Tullahoma   March 13th 1864

Dear E.

     This is the third letter I have

written you, and the sixth I have written

home, but have received none.

I received an acount Book however

by this mornings Mall For which I am

greatly oblidged, I have had more writing

to do than I expected, as Capt. Brown is

now Judge Advocate, and the court

is in sesion all the time. I have all the

charges and Specifications to coppy,

besides the company writing. But after

all I have time enough, and I wont

find fault if they will only let us

remane here; but I dont know what

to think about it, as I see by the papers

that the 12th and 11th Corps, are to be ordeed

to the Army of the Potimac again; but

there is no telling how much truth

there may be in Newspapers Acounts

But one thing is sure, if we were allowed