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        Sunday April 2d 1865

Dear Lide

            Yours written last Sunday

reached me to day, and I hasten to answer

it. And first let me say that I am sorry to

hear your eyes are no better; tell me when you

write again what the Doctor says about them.

I am sorry we dont get paid, so you could rest

them. and I am in hopes we shall this week.

Heaven knows that it is time: when I do you

can pay the Doctor if you wish, but why did

you knot have Doc, Drew? you never wrote me

the reason. I have been to a Niger Baptisim

this fore noon. there was fifteen baptised by

a white minister assisted by another, they

marched in procesion from thier Chapple

to the river, singing as they marched, but

making a very poor apearence, in a Millitary

point of view, as it apeared impossible for them

to keep closed up, and they stragled like a